Category: Science-Fiction Themes

In wake of conflict Black Matter Movement of 2018,  and White nationalism create a race divides so extreme it triggers on the Second  Civil  War destroy the society of the United States plus white and black created two a separate nation.  One of called Black America, while the other White forbid to interact with each other

The welfare system collapses results millions of citizens struggling to rebuild their lives depend on the government of their needs.  People with mental illness and disabilities are considered if a waste of resources and left to their own device.

A  woman in her late forties searches for her African American adopted sister separated her from as a child due to white nationist overthrow the American government created a law forbid race mixing. Kathleen Sevens,  remain haunted since childhood concerning the disappearance of her adopted sister unaware of Kesha’s fate.

Kathleen begins her journey through her past when she received a mysterious letter written in code, however, she recognized her sister’s trademark writing. Kesha as a child exhibit gifted artistic talent beyond her age level.

Chapter 1

Over 150 ago Women and their children become the remnants of accidentally released of x-y experiment plague the decimate the adult male population leaving them to inherit the earth.  One of the essential passage of scripture that gives the survivors comfort involves the Sermon of The Mount in the book of Matthew. The one verse that inspired the women to move on is in Matthew chapter 5:5 “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” Women realized the violent people will eventually destroy themselves with their violence against people.

They transform the Death Valley as an unlikely oasis in the Western part of the United State of America.  Dr.Serene Wells aunt of Katrina and Amanda Stoneville invented and developed a biological system that restores a desert into a lush green paradise fit for human habitation.
Dr. Cassandra Well the maternal grandmother of twins Katrina and Amanda Stoneville participated in creating the antidote of x-y experiment plague that had unsuspected consequences such as sterility of the male survivors.  She acts an as an assistant in the development for cloned sperm







A young woman observes the working machine of her new remolded office space. The terminal blinked it,s blue scanner twice to allow her to enter into the inner sanctum of her office. “Welcome, Miss Danielle, “Sorry for the inconvenience.” We had an attempted computer virus attack, I was required by my programmer to upgrade to the New Experimental Virus McAfee Protection” .said the voice of Sahara 3022.

” Cool, McAfee Virus Protection still exist after over five centuries! Fantastic, Danielle thought in surprise and amazement. ” How did a Virus Computer Protection that was invented in the late 20th century survive into 29 century? You joking with me right.”

“No, Miss Danielle, Not programmed for bad jokes! I am serious! Sahara 3022, a voice rose in an angry tone at Danielle. “What is wrong? “You usually calm. “Do yo miss your Honey-bunny Samuel 3022? Sahara 3022,s mood changes to a sad effect. “I see. Maybe I can help.” Danielle,s terminal suddenly interrupts Danielle when she types in How to Comfort A Sad hologram on her search option. “Does not compute , unauthorized entry flashes on her computer screen turning it blue with a red alert warning signal. “What the hell? Shouted Danielle. She furiously pressed her voice activated command. “Sahara 3022 appear to me! “There is an inference of an external source. ” Miss Danielle! I can see you! My hologram program has been hacked into.” This never happens before.

” Outside Danielle,s office window, A young man of early twenties with glowing blue eyes scan the ancient structure of early twenty-two which had restored to original. “You dumb-ass.” ” You alert Danielle, and her terminal hologram Sahara 3022 of my hacking screamed the computer chip in your brain! “Shut up you swallow! Dirt-bag image! Nathan Daniel grabbing his head in pain. Inside

Nathan Daniel,s brain cell the neurons attacked the foreign invaders of the computer causing a killer migraine. The chip of equipment in Nathan Daniel begins to short-circuit. He turns blue as a baby born feet first, fortunately for him the communication area of Nathan Daniel, s brain, matter was unaffected by the external invasion.
“Go in the Creative communication of Mind building and ask for Dr. Danielle Silver; she can remove the corrupted and restore your system optimum health.” “I have only less twenty minutes before the connection is lost.

” Dr.Danielle! There is a transmission from outside that is a distress signal.” “Do you want me to block it.”

” No, scanned it using the McAfee Experimental Virus scan. Sahara 3022 obeyed Dr. Danille ,s command. The blue light of the new experimental virus scans the signal for malware, malicious transmission code,” trojan horses, spyware, hacking systems and other malicious software. The program detected a code for permission for access. Sahara 3022 transmitted her number; however, the counter partner rejected 3022 as an invalid authorization code.”

In bold flashing red-letter on Sarhara3022 hologram image says needs the original user of this computer.” “Dr.Danielle, you must type your terminal code because the signal does not recognize my hologram permission number 3022.” Dr.Danille typed in the password Dreamworld to unscramble the communication drive outside her network.” A blue flashing sign of clean water is interrupted in the computer language of the 29th century, no dangerous viruses and hacking determined safe to receive the transmission.

“What do the message revealed? Asked Sarhara3022. It is a distress signal, a young man in a life-threatening situation needs immediately medical attention and the computer must be removed. I will be back, please have the electronic medical program ready when I bring the young man in.

Outside several feet from Dr.Danielle, s building Nathan Daniel begin to lose consciously. The backup system in Nathan-Daniel,s brain provides oxygen to him to prevent brain damage until medical help arrive.

Help me! He screamed when saw the figure ofDr.Danielle from a distance before passing out. Dr.Danielle recognize the young man and rushes to Nathan_Daniel unconscious form. She take out an electronic brain repair kit from black medicine bag. She put the device on Nathan-Daniel,s head, suddenly Nathan-Daniel regains conscious. “Here drink this handed him some water which she had in an emergency kit.” Thank You, said Nathan-Daniel with gratitude.

‘Nathan-Daniel, “Are you in severe pain? questioned Dr.Danielle “No, except for a killer headache whispered Nathan-Daniel

“I have a cool remedy. What is your remedy?”I hope it is not some crazy narcotic in a voice that puzzles Dr.Danielle. “I can promise you there will be no crazy drugs; you can trust me on that said soothing.’It is the best herbal painkiller in the world without unpleasant side effects. The remedy is a natural non-habit-forming painkiller with calming effects of lavender, and rose-water.

“I just need to be rubbed the ointment on your forehead and your headache will evaporate quickly. Nathan_Daniel felt relief not having to swallowing any pill. Go for it, My head is killing me,’ Dr.Danielle. Dr.Daniele gently rubbed the lavender rose-water ointment on Nathan_Daniel,s forehead. ” Does your head still hurts? asked Dr.Danille “It is now just a dull ache. said Nathan-Daniel with a sense of relief. “I glad the ointment is working so quickly because it usually takes a few minutes to take effect smiling Dr.Danielle

Nathan-Daniel, “What is your remedy? Green tea with rose-water, lavender extract. No worries there is no dangerous sides to the medicine. Your symptom will disappear with few hours if  you have no allergic reaction with the treatment” however, is extremely rare in  humans but  frequent in alien beings.



A computer generate  hologram  blue  image of Cadet Natasha Lockwood  appears in  darkness of her Aunt Colonel Athena ‘s  biology military lab.

My planet is  sister Earth in the  Newly discovered galaxy. It has an atmosphere that takes  carbon dioxide   out of environment.  My name is Colonel  Athena Lockwood , descendent of the first explorer , scientist, and colonist Dr. Natasha  and her husband Joshua Lockwood.  In  2196 , no fossil fuels existed on the  planet, due  to advances of energy technologies that make the need for the resource obsolete . Society  and cultures utilises Wind, Ocean, Solar and hydroelectric as a method heating,plus cooling their home. Joshua Lockwood an environmental scientist invented the first  an  affordable Solar Home for the average person by  decreasing size of the panels plus increasing the power of the energy source. Joshua’s inventions also made  alternative form of energy affordable to the working class families and single people during the  first dawn of 22nd century.

Will add to story in  the near future.

Denise Swoveland

Web Spaceship

This Web Spaceship travel through time and space.

I am Sarahara3022 hologram assistant to Dr.Renée Silver. I met her when she was modifying her terminal computer to accommodate the new design program.
She accidentally open a top-secret file which activate my system.;
“What the hell happen? Dr.Silver furiuosly attempting to close  the programming.
“Do not worry, I had to activate to prevent the money eating machine virus from condemning  your computer system.
“I am crazy speaking to a hologram assistant, Dr. Renée Silver thought to herself.
“You kidding right!

” Do not  worry, ” You are  stable and  have sharp mind. “You will get used  the new  holographic technology.” spoked Sarahara3022  while senting an encouraging message  to Dr. Renee by text.

I entered my eclectic style home with a sense of forbearing worry. I felt a sudden urge to walk into the kitchen that faced the north side of the living room enclosed by the porch with a blue-green fountain inside. I suddenly heard screaming coming from close to me. I run to the kitchen, then I saw my daughter, Alicia,s father lying in his blood with a gun beside him.Alicia was struggling to give first aid to my husband Jacob, but he lost too much blood. I rushed to Alicia,s side attempting to calm her down. She acknowledges my presence. ”Please Mom help me! I can not stop the bleeding! Daddy is dying Please do not die on me! Alicia screamed cradling her father in her arms. My husband looked pale like snow in winter.
Alicia! Take off his shirt off! I need to how deep is the

wound.”Alicia obeyed my command. I opened my medicine bag then brought out some rubbing alcohol, surgical instruments, and a sterilization needle. I froze in terror while examining my husband,s injury. The bullet wound had attached itself near his heart. I rubbed rubbing alcohol onto the area of the scene shot.

“Jacob, I can not work on you. These medical instruments are too primitive.” We have to take you to the hospital.”
“No, the people will get me! There is a secret experiment on paranoid schizophrenia patients at the psychiatric ward at Rivers Old! Jacob cried in panicked tone that unnerved his wife and daughter.””Alicia get your father,s anti-psychotic medicine now!

“Mother, The medicine is what caused Daddy,s relapse.” He started having hallucinations, and delusions again a month ago when he begin a new experimental drug program at Rivers OldHospital. The treatment at Rivers Old failed to deliver the cure to Daddy,s illness.

“Alicia, We have to him to the hospital now! cried Angeline disregarding her husband,s pleading.

“Mom, I have a friend at school whose father is a doctor works a private hospital. He will protect patients who live will be in jeopardy if they go Rivers Old Hospital.
Victoria,s father, Why did I think of him first!. Here Angeline holds her cell-phone to her daughter.

Alicia dialed 456-867-678 Dr.Jemimah Williamson,s cell-phone number. The cell-phone had ringed three before an answer arrived

Hello, Alicia, What can I do for you tonight? Asked Dr.Williamson.

“My father accidentally shot himself! “I afraid he will die! Alicia said in a frightened tone.

“Alicia, What type of the condition is your father in now? Alicia around and check Jacob,s pulse and breathing.”Dr. Williamson, his breathing and pulse are weak.”

“Take him to Sanctuary Faculty immediately! My team will be ready for your father,s arrive,” said DR.Williamson in a concerned voice.

“How can we move him without causing more damage to my husband? Alicia questioning Dr.Williamson with sense of fear and forbearing

‘We can stabilize your husband by using a robotic electric wheelchair.’ “Scientists created it last year. Said Dr.Williamson.Don,t worry the wheelchair has an arm analyzes what position to lift the patient without being harm.”
“Mother, “We have a robotic wheelchair that has been out of commission for a few weeks.”Get it now! Cried Angeline. “Your father,s breathing is becoming more shallow.
Alicia rushed to the technical room where robotic wheelchair stood and open the door shouting” Robot Athena,” Wake- up now. Emergency!. It obeyed Alicia,s voice-activated command than the robot moved it,s wheels towards her.
When Alicia explain that Jacob had self-inflicted wound was dangerously fatal , Robot Athena rush passed Alicia like a flash of light. Robot Athena adminster to her master by survey the damage to Jacob’s wound.

Computer from Space

I wonder if my computer is from outer space because it seems to have mind of it,s own.
The computer has a name Denise,s Wild and Spiritual Computer.
I thought of that the name Denise,s Wild and Spiritual which was inspire about a thought of the computer being possess by alien from outer space and becoming a sentient life-form.
Just a offbeat thought I had awhile back.

My name is Katrina Redwood, my story began  over three years on May 4,2012.

I was woken up by a mysterious loud, unfamiliar voice. I saw an angelic being staring into my eyes, and suddenly I am blind.

“Why did you make me blind? I asked the angelic being.

“I give you x-ray vision and telepathic abilities. ” said the angelic being.

Great, I am a blind woman with x-ray and telepathic power.

“How will my new power help me in my daily life?

“I have no interest in being branded a freak of nature.” said Katrina.

“Katrina, Don,t worry your gifts will be useful someday.” said the angelic being.”
” I will have to learn Braille,or research X-Ray vision and telepathic powers. Katrina stated in a sarcastic tone of voice.”
” I see you are unable to understand the ways your new talents will be beneficial to you and others.” “I will show you. “Give me your hand.”
” Nervously, Katrina grabbed the angelic being,s hand with a sense of fear.
Katrina finds herself in an unknown section of a futuristic city.
Her new senses become acute as Katrina observes the blue glass skyscrapers, the biological gardens surrounding the complex, a water fountain moving in a circular motion. She sees a young black haired, blue eyes woman that is a striking resembles herself. Can this lady be my descendant? Katrina,s mind wondered about this individual. She walks to the dome -shaped building where she first saw her look-alike, then suddenly, Katrina  is grabbed from behind by a mysterious force. She struggled against  an overpowering entity.

“Let,s me go! screamed Katrina  while trying to break  free  from  the embrace for the being.

The being turn Katrina around and stop fighting when she recognized the individual as angelic host she saw before.

“Why  did  you grabbed  me” questioned Katrina

“I had to prevent you from meet your descendant face to face because of the time paradox. “It will be  dangerous now’ replied the angelic being.